All keynotes and most sessions, along with the opening reception, will take place in the Medical Sciences Building, The North Haugh, St Andrews, KY16 9TF. Some sessions will take place in the nearby Mathematics Building.
Tuesday 18 July
4:45 | Booth Lecture Theatre Welcome |
5:00-6:30 | Booth Lecture Theatre Plenary: NIGEL LEASK (Glasgow) Thomas Pennant, Dr Johnson, and the Scottish Enlightenment Chair: Michael Brown (Aberdeen) |
6:30-7:30 | Opening reception |
Wednesday 19 July
9:00-10:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL The Scottish Enlightenment and the Reshaping of American Racial Politics - Charles Brad Bow (Aberdeen), Michael Brown (Aberdeen), Julia Pohlmann (Aberdeen) Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) B: Seminar Room 1 1. On Adam Smith's Understanding of the Sublime - Pilar Bravo de Lallana (Navarra) 2. Smithian Spectatorship and the Novel - Cleo O'Callaghan Yeoman (Stirling) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Smith, Social Stability, and the Joy of Sympathy – Remy Debes (Memphis) 2. Adam Smith and Sympathetic Cosmopolitanism - Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity) 3. In a Third Voice: Smith's Moral Sentimentalism between Deontology and the Ethics of Care - Christel Fricke (Oslo) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Orthodox Calvinism and Newtonian Rationalism: John Witherspoon, George Anderson, and Samuel Clarke's 'Popular' Legacy - Dafydd Daniel (St Andrews) 2. James Wodrow, John Witherspoon, and the Negotiation of Moderatism in 18th-Century Ayrshire - Emma Macleod (Stirling) 3. Smith, Madison, and Witherspoon - Barry Weingast (Stanford) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) |
10:30-11:00 | Break |
11:00-12:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL Author meets critics on Tito Magri's Hume's Imagination - Marina Frasca-Spada (Cambridge), Don Garrett (NYU), Tito Magri (Rome La Sapienza) Chair: Enrico Galvagni (St Andrews) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Who Should Pay for Education? Adam Smith on the Public Provision of Education - Zack Rauwald (Cambridge) 2. Adam Smith and Education for the Good - Philip Tonner (Glasgow) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Adam Smith, Iris Murdoch, and the Ethics of Care - Maria Carrasco (Santiago) 2. The Scottish Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life: Adam Smith and William James - Marcus Shera (George Mason) 3. Adam Smith and Aretaic Jurisprudence -- Chapin Cimino (Thomas R Kline School of Law) Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Adam Smith's System of Natural Equality - David Levy (George Mason) and Sandra Peart (Richmond) 2. Adam Smith and Early British Anti-Slavery Debates - Ana Paula Londe Silva (MInas Gerais and Glasgow) 3. Adam Smith at 300: Finishing the Bourgeois Revolution - Ethan Linehan (South Florida) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) |
12:30-1:30 | LUNCH AGM of International Adam Smith Society |
1:30-3:00 | Booth Lecture Theatre Plenary: GIDEON MAILER (Minnesota Duluth) Witherspoon at 300: Enlightenment and Revolution in History and Memory Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) |
3:00-3:30 | Break |
3:30-5:00 | Booth Lecture Theatre A: 1. Scottish Baconians: The Myth and the Reality – Chris Shrock (Sioux Falls) 2. The Preconception of the World: Adam Smith's Epistemology in the Essay 'Of the External Senses' - Michele Bee and Ivan Sternick (Minas Gerais) 3. Primary and Secondary Qualities in Adam Smith - Hannes Ole Matthiessen (Humboldt) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Elizabeth Hamilton's "Memoirs of the Life of Agrippina" (1804) and Scottish Enlightenment Historiography – JoEllen DeLucia (Central Michigan) 2. Conjectural History and Original Acquisition – Jeff Edwards (Stoneybrook) 3. "The Scheme which began the Calamities of Europe": 18th-Century Scottish Writers on the First Polish Partition – Anna Plassart (Open University) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Smith contra La Rochefoucauld - John Alcorn (Trinity College) 2. The Judicious Philosopher and the Heaven-Taught Ploughman: Adam Smith in the Life and Work of Robert Burns - Moira Hansen (Open University) 3. Adam Smith's 'Encounter' with Jean-Jacques Rousseau - David Raynor (Ottowa) Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Adam Smith and the Reforming Spirit of the 18th Century -- Fabrizio Simon (Palermo) 2. Why the Humean Conception of Justice is (and should be) Narrow -- Otto Lehto (NYU) 3. Adam Smith's Jurisprudence and Normative Law -- Mario Rizzo (NYU) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) |
5:00-6:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL: Scottish Jacobitism and Empire in the Americas - Tanner Ogle (Texas A & M), David Parrish (Ozarks), Michael Taylor (Aberdeen) Chair: Julia Pohlman (Aberdeen) B: Seminar Room 1 1. How Smith Differs from Hume, and Why - Eugene Heath (SUNY New Paltz) 2. Smith as an Interpreter of Mandeville -Brandon Turner (Clemson) 3. Smith on Pride and Moral Fitness - Mikko Tolonen (Helsinki) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Samuel Miller on the Life of the Mind: Re-Imagining the Relationship between Piety and Learning in 'the Witherspoon Tradition' – Paul K. Helseth (Northwestern - St. Paul) 2. Religious Heterodoxy and Church Politics: The Trial of William Leechman, 1744 – Alasdair Raffe (Edinburgh) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Prying Eyes: Sentimental Curiosity in Adam Smith and Joanna Baillie - Lauren Kopajtic (Fordham) 2. The Dramatic Scottish Enlightenment: The Influence of Racine on Hume and Smith - Shal Marriott (McGill) 3. Adam Smith on the Theatricality of Politics and the Politics of Theatre - Kirsten Collins (George Mason) Chair: Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity) |
Thursday 20 July
9:00-10:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL: Author meets critics on Nir Ben-Moshe, Idealization and the Moral Point of View: An Adam Smithian Account of Moral Reasons- Remy Debes (Memphis), Keith Hankins (Chapman), John Skorupski (St Andrews), Nir Ben Moshe(Urbana-Champaign) Chair: Don Garrett (NYU) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Smith and Ferguson on Hierarchical Sentiments, Character, and Freedom - Yiftah Elazar (Hebrew University) 2. Conservatism, Providentialism, and the Subject of Hope in Ferguson at 300 - Michael Kugler (Northwestern College) Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Scottish Emigrants and the Transformation of Anglicanism in Colonial Virginia – Gregory Tirenin (Boston U) 2. The Wrong Empire: Scottish Thought and the Irony of Unintended Consequences in 18th-Century America – Paul Tonks (Yonsei) 3. Adam Smith's Parliamentary Unionism and his View of American Affairs - Hiroki Ueno (Keio) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Connecting the Principles of the Political Machine: Persuasion and the Love of System in Smith's Political Thought - Thiago Vargas (Sao Paulo) 2. Adam Smith's Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Death of Nations – Ryan Hanley (Boston College) 3. A Political Virtue? Hobbes, Locke, and Smith on Gratitude – Tim Stuart-Buttle (York) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) |
10:30-11:00 | Break |
11:00-12:30 | Booth Lecture Theatre Plenary: LISA HILL (Adelaide) A Liberal Utilitarian? Adam Smith on Welfare, Happiness and the Successful State Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) |
12:30-1:30 | LUNCH |
Afternoon | Trip to Kirkcaldy and Anstruther |
Friday 21 July
9:00-10:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL Author meets critics on Daniel Klein, Central Notions of Smithian Liberalism – John Cairns (Edinburgh), Douglas Den Uyl (Liberty Fund), Daniel Klein (George Mason), Tim Stuart-Buttle (York), Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) B: Seminar Room 1 1. The Supply and Demand Model of Sympathy in The Theory of Moral Sentiments - John Stinespring (Tampa) 2. Resentment as the Passion of Sovereignty in The Theory of Moral Sentiments -- Neil Saccamano (Cornell) 3. The Moral Value of Social Shame in Adam Smith's TMS – Sule Ozler (UCLA) Chair: Enrico Galvani (St Andrews) C: Seminar Room 2 1. William Burn: Style and Identity in 19th-Century Scotland - Clarisse Godard Desmarets (Picardie Jules Verne) 2. Grammar as Metaphysics, Logic as Rhetoric: Smith's Method and Eidetic Numbers – Rosaleen Keefe (Old Dominion) 3. Language, Number and Exchange in Adam Smith's Analysis of the "Rude Stage": Reconsidering the Labour Theory of Value - Francesca Dal Degan (Pisa) and Marco Guidi (Pisa) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) D: Maths Room 1A 1. The Invisible Hand and Natural Selection: Peas in a Conceptual Pod – Toni Carey (independent scholar) 2. Political Economy from Below: William Playfair's 1811 Edition of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations- Jean François Dunyach (Sorbonne) Chair: Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity) |
10:30-11:00 | Break |
11:00-12:30 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre PANEL: Author meets critics on Ortmann and Walraevens, Adam Smith's System: A Re-Interpretation (2022) - Lisa Hill (Adelaide), Ecem Okan (Lorraine), Ryan Hanley (Boston College), Spiros Tegos (Crete) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Reid as Pivotal to James Wilson's Conception of Popular Sovereignty - Christopher Breay (Aquinas College) 2. Kinship Networks and Commutative Justice - Caleb Pettit (George Mason) 3. Beauty, Utility, and Commerce: Discourse Analysis of Adam Smith's Narrative of the Poor Man's Son - Mark Rathbone (North-West University) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) C: Seminar Room 2 1. The Idea of the Joint-Stock Corporation as a Civilizing Influence - Chris Barker (American University Cairo) 2. Smith on Revenue and Produce - Mauricio C. Coutinho (Campinas) Chair: Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity) D: Maths Room 1A 1. The Diary of Rev. Murdoch Macdonald (1696-1763) - Ellen Beard 2. William Richardson's Shakespeare Character Criticism and the Scottish 'Science of Man' - Zubin Meer (York) Chair: Lasse Andersen (St Andrews) |
12:30-1:30 | LUNCH AGM of Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society |
1:30-3:00 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre 1. Adam Smith's Replacement of the Moral Sense by the Impartial Spectator - Dirk Schuck (Erfurt) 2. Adam Smith and the Virtue-Ethical 'Drive to Aspire' - Brennan McDavid (Chapman) Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Hume, Smith, and Constant on Ancient and Modern Liberties – Yuchen Sun (King's College London) 2. Garnier’s French Translation of the Wealth of Nations - Justine Loulergue (Paris 1) 3. Smith, Materialism, Materiality - Leo Steeds (Glasgow) Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) C: Seminar Room 2 1. The Natural Progress of Opulence': Adam Smith's Rhetorical Theory of History - Ecem Okan (Lorraine) 2. Why did Capital Matter to Adam Smith? The Historical Development of the Idea of Capital - Shinji Nohara (Tokyo) 3. The Development of Capitalism and Human Nature in Adam Smith: A Problem of Synthesis - Ledson da Rosa (Rio de Janeiro) Chair: Lasse Andersen (St Andrews) |
3:00-3:30 | Break |
3:30-5:00 | A: Booth Lecture Theatre 1. That Money may be Reduced to Providence: Political Economy and Enlightened Constitiutionalism in John Witherspoon's Thought - George Gallwey (Bank of England) 2. Money, Society and Politics: The Monetary Thought of Sir James Steuart - Ruoyu Han (Cambridge) Chair: James Harris (St Andrews) B: Seminar Room 1 1. Adam Smith's Sympathetic Persuasion and Innovation - Michelle Vachris (Virginia Wesleyan) 2. "I am a beau in nothing but my books": Exploring Adam Smith's Library - Craig Smith (Glasgow) 3. Adam Smith as Innovator - Julio Elias (Francisco Marroquín) and Walter Castro (CEMA) Chair: Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity) C: Seminar Room 2 1. Visualizing the 18th-Century Freemason: Portraits of William St. Clair of Roslin - Reva Wolf (SUNY New Paltz) 2. The Persistence of Renaissance and Reformation Scotland in Boswell's and Johnson's Tour of 1773 – James Caudle (Glasgow) 3. Maclaurin's law: issues of rank and privilege in two Scottish trials - those of Mungo Campbell (1769-70), for the murder of the 10th Earl of Eglinton; and Thomas Muir (1793), for sedition – Ronald Crawford Chair: Richard Whatmore (St Andrews) D: Maths Room 1A 1. Re-evaluating the 'Scottish Inheritance' of F.A. Hayek: Liberty, Spontaneous Order, and History - Billy Liu (Cambridge) 2. Increasing Returns: A legacy of Adam Smith - Gustavo Vargas (UNAM) 3. Remote Encounters of a Distant Kind: Natives and Westerners in Smith's International Thought - Laurie Breban (Paris 1) and Jean Dellemotte (Paris 1) Chair: James Foster (Sioux Falls) |
5:00-6:30 | Booth Lecture Theatre Plenary: JENG GUO CHEN Another Adam Smith Problem?: Adam Smith on Empire Chair: Craig Smith (Glasgow) |
7:30 | Conference banquet Lower College Hall, St. Salvator's Quad, North Street, St Andrews, KY16 9AL |